Texas Tech University has announced it is partnering with Natura Resources and Abilene Christian University (ACU) to deploy Natura’s molten salt reactor (MSR) currently under construction at ACU. The collaboration aims to integrate MSR technology with water desalination and energy production systems, addressing Texas’ critical energy and water needs. Those close to the … [Read More]

PBPA’s Spring Swing Scheduled for April 7
Monday, April 7, is the date when the Permian Basin Petroleum Association's celebrated Spring Swing Golf Tournament takes to the links. This four-man … [Read More]

CO2 Conference
A huge percentage of horizontal wells are non-commercial in 10-15 years. What do you do next to preserve your asset? Consider CO2 storage, EOR and produced water. … [Read More]
Featured Story

Made In The Permian Basin
When you're at the duty-free shop at Tokyo International Airport and you see a bottle of Jack Daniels you know one thing: the only place in the whole world it comes from is Lynchburg, Tennessee. This is the kind of pride one can take when surveying the fact … [Read More]

Change Happens: DEI and More
Will changing regulations reduce inflation and costs overall? Will it end some of the current entitlement of our workforce after COVID? I only minored in Economics, but it just makes sense that decreasing regulations will decrease costs and thus reduce the … [Read More]

Office Functions: There is a Better Way
The back office is usually just that in the oil industry—back behind the scenes. It rarely makes headlines for great technological leaps. Nonetheless, it looks radically different than it did 10, even five years ago. Quietly, smartphone apps and the ability of … [Read More]