February 2025 hiring's, promotions, and other personnel matters in the nation's biggest oil patch—or in companies who do business here. Rick Muncrief, 66, has announced his retirement from the position of President and Chief Executive Officer and member of the board of directors of Devon Energy Corporation, effective March 1. The board of directors has … [Read More]
Featured Story

In the Best Basin Tradition
The oilfield legacy of this year’s Permian Basin Petroleum Association Top Hand, Dennis Johnson, looms wide and, as with any oil legacy, deep into the earth. He will … [Read More]

CO2 Conference
A huge percentage of horizontal wells are non-commercial in 10-15 years. What do you do next to preserve your asset? Consider CO2 storage, EOR and produced water. … [Read More]
Featured Story

Ethics. Still Necessary?
I am on my soapbox this month because I have watched several people in various generations either ignore ethical behavior entirely or ignore it until they were reminded of the "right" way to do things. My question is: are there consequences for being … [Read More]

Rigging Up
The oil patch used to be famous for its behind-the-times mantra: “We’ve always done it this way.” But since the Shale Revolution and the increasing demand for speed, accuracy, and length in the drilling rig sector, that phrase is gone. “How can we do it better … [Read More]

Legislative Update 2025
89th Texas Legislature, Jan. 14-June 2 57th New Mexico Legislature, Jan. 21-March 22 With the endgame of a balanced budget in mind, Texas and New Mexico lawmakers begin each session with a revenue forecast. Lone Star State On Jan. 13, … [Read More]