Rig count in Permian Basin remained 350 as of Dec. 16, according to Baker Hughes, while the count of active drilling rigs in Texas declined for the fourth straight week to 367. There were 370 in Texas the previous week and 275 a year ago. Also, there are 107 rigs in New Mexico (106 last week, 89 last year) and 776 in U.S. (780 last week, 579 last year). Permian’s count was 288 a year ago.
Louisiana is now No. 3 among states with 69 rigs (67 last week, 49 last year) followed closely by Oklahoma with 68 (69 last week, 48 last year) and North Dakota with 37 (38 last week, 27 last year). Haynesville is No. 2 among regions with 72 rigs (69 previous week, 47 previous year) followed closely by Eagle Ford in south Texas with 71 (72 previous week, 44 previous year), Williston with 41 (42 previous week, 27 previous year) and Marcellus with 39 (39 previous week, 29 previous year).