The PBPA’s Top Hand Award for 2024 went to a much deserving recipient, Dennis Johnson MIDLAND, TEXAS—Highlighting an evening full of fond wishes, memories, stories, recognition, celebration, and an outpouring of good will, Midland’s own Dennis Johnson accepted the Permian Basin Petroleum Association’s Top Hand Award for 2024 here at a gala ceremony at the […]
PBPA’s Spring Swing Scheduled for April 7
Monday, April 7, is the date when the Permian Basin Petroleum Association’s celebrated Spring Swing Golf Tournament takes to the links. This four-man scramble unfolds on the Odessa Country Club’s two magnificent courses, with food, fun, and fellowship available to all who attend. Spring Swing, one of PBPA’s most well-attended events, typically sells out. Anyone hoping to […]
Taking AIM on 2025 and Beyond
MIDLAND, TEXAS—In an industry event that convened a scant two weeks after the momentous general election, oil and gas decision makers and professionals gathered Nov. 21 in the Horseshoe Arena in this oil-minded metropolis, where Hart Energy’s DUG Executive Oil Conference fetched attendees from Texas, New Mexico, and around the nation. No matter what one’s […]
CO2 Conference
A huge percentage of horizontal wells are non-commercial in 10-15 years. What do you do next to preserve your asset? Consider CO2 storage, EOR and produced water. When industrial sources capture their CO2 emissions, the emissions and excess water need a place to go. Depleted reservoirs like yours need a future. That’s a perfect marriage: […]
Where the Water Goes
An oil well produces three things: oil, natural gas and (mostly) water. All three of those things have to have somewhere to go in order for the well to operate, and right now only two of them are profitable. The last is working its way up from being a nuisance to being a useful byproduct, […]
A Three Day O&G Immersion
FORT WORTH, TEXAS—The SuperDUG 2023 oil and gas conference gathered the faithful to this city and its Convention Center for three information-packed days of speakers, sessions, panels, and pronouncements, as well as a trade show and a full slate of off-premises receptions, parties, performances (including Reckless Kelly), and the like. The May 22-24 event produced […]
Good Problems to Have
FORT WORTH, TEXAS—Someone needs to take those video productions that Hart Energy creates to kick off its Permian Basin conferences—those narrated tributes replete with dynamic drone footage, stirring commentary, and soaring musical scores—and put them on VR headsets and circulate them to every worker in the Basin, because if they did, this region’s already record-setting […]
The Show Goes On
ODESSA, TEXAS—The Oct. 19-21 run of the Permian Basin International Oil Show came off nicely for a show that had to bounce back from disappointment. There was the disappointment that came from having to call off the scheduled 2020 run of the event, due to Covid. And there has been the disappointment, felt across the […]
To Celebrate an Incredible Achievement
Stepping to the podium at a wellsite just outside Midland operated by Double Eagle Energy, President Donald Trump on July 29 opened his address with these words: “I really am thrilled to be here in Midland, Texas, with the extraordinary men and women of Double Eagle Energy… [applause] and what a nice welcome. Thank you […]
Gray Skies, Sunny Mood
Those words were the theme of the 2018 Permian Basin International Oil Show, and they summed up the mood nicely. By Jesse Mullins ODESSA, TEXAS—For three full days—the entire run of the 2018 Permian Basin International Oil Show—the rains fell and the drizzle drizzled and the mists mystified. Such was the weather that huge crowds […]