The co-founder of Texans for Lawsuit Reform carries his cause to West Texas. MIDLAND, TEXAS—Attendees to the February PBPA luncheon heard an appeal from Richard “Dick” Weekley, the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Texans for Lawsuit Reform (TLR), a statewide tort reform organization dedicated to bringing fairness and balance back to Texas’ civil justice system. […]
Tools of the Trade 2013
An address on entrepreneurship by Dick Saulsbury highlighted the Burmass Tools of the Trade Expo. First you have to find the thing you believe in. Those were the words of Dick Saulsbury, keynote speaker at the 2013 Burmass “Tools of the Trade” Exposition, held Feb. 28-March 1 at the Horseshoe Arena in Midland. Saulsbury, whose […]
Join Us in Midland: 3rd Annual Burmass Tools of the Trade Exposition
Burmass Tools Of The Trade Conference & Exposition Registration is open for the 3rd Annual Burmass Tools of the Trade. Click Here to Pre-Register to Attend – Free Admission Now Through January 31st, 2013 — ($10.00 After) Register as an Exhibitor Click Here View our Sponsorship Opportunities Click Here February 28 – March 1, 2013 […]
PBIOS 2012: As Good As Advertised
[portfolio_slideshow] Some 700 companies hosted more than 1,000 exhibits in what has been described as one of the most impressive and well-attended Permian Basin International Oil Shows on record. Attendees saw some of the most up-to-the-minute technology displayed at booth after booth. Advances in directional drilling, hydraulic fracturing, software, communications, and automation dominated much […]
Outside the Box: PBIOS Celebrates an Innovator
The Permian Basin International Oil Show, slated for Oct. 16-18, will celebrate an innovative and independent-minded thinker, Charles Perry, as its industry honoree. Three times during our interview, Charles R. Perry’s cell phone rang. Each time, it was someone with a technical question about Perry’s gas processors. “My title is chairman emeritus,” Perry quipped, “but […]
Green Tree Gold Tournament
An Ace of a Tournament A record number of participants hit the links April 23 for the annual PBPA Green Tree Golf Tournament, as 336 entrants vied for a variety of exciting prizes. Supreme among those was a prize that probably no one expected would be won that day—the offer of a brand new F-150 […]