Texas lawmakers convened in Austin Jan. 12, launching a historic session overshadowed by a pandemic and its cascading domino effect. “Getting down to business” took on a whole new meaning, with legislators and leaders examining everything from basic meeting guidelines to complex budgetary needs through a COVID-shaped lens. The Coronavirus topped the initial agenda with […]
Commission again delays proration vote, next meeting May 5
Railroad Commission of Texas again delayed taking action on proration of production for the state’s oil and gas industry at a meeting Tuesday. Ryan Sitton, reportedly the only commissioner who said he was ready to vote, proposed a state-mandated cut of 20 percent or about one million barrels in cooperation with other states and nations. […]
Service and Survival
Serving His Country On September 11, 2001, Brian Birdwell was on the Department of Army staff as the military aide to the deputy assistant chief of staff for installation management at the Pentagon. Birdwell and two of his coworkers, Cheryl and Sandy, were watching events unfold in New York City and knelt to pray for […]
Sharing Their Visions: Two Basin Thought Leaders
A PBPA Q&A with Christie Craddick, Texas Railroad Commissioner The Permian Basin Petroleum Association is pleased to serve up this feature for readers of Permian Basin Oil and Gas Magazine. This “PBPA Q&A” is an opportunity for readers to learn a little bit more about industry and regulatory leaders, energy pioneers and elected officials, about […]
Interim Conversation Starter
With the gavel set to fall in the Land of Enchantment, the Second Session of the 54th New Mexico Legislature brings with it several unknowns. However, one constant remains: the contribution of the oil and gas industry to the state budget. The New Mexico Legislature convenes in Santa Fe on the third Tuesday in January […]
That’s a Wrap
The macrocosmic reviews of the 2019 140-day session are replete with feel-good language: Cooperation Instead of Combativeness. An Aura of Kumbaya. Playing Nice. Mission Accomplished. The trio known as “the Big Three” vowed in the early going to address property taxes and school finance. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, and Speaker of […]
86th Texas Legislature: The Final Stretch
During the week of April 14, the rumor around the Texas Capitol went something like this: If your bill does not advance out of committee within the next five days, chances are it will die there. However, the rumor extended into the following week, and committee hearings proceeded with hundreds of witnesses making their way […]
Legislature Picks Up Pace
Oil Industry Keeps Watchful Eye on High-Impact Proposals by Julie Anderson As March came to a close, Texas lawmakers had cleared one major hurdle: March 8. The 60th day of the 86th Legislative Session was the deadline for the unrestricted filing of bills and joint resolutions other than local bills, emergency appropriations, and emergency […]
Determining Legislative Fate
Industry Issues Spread Across Multiple Committees by Julie Anderson On the 45th day of the Regular Session of the Texas Legislature, the Legislative Reference Library published a set of statistics that paints a clear picture of the intrinsic value of legislative committees. As of Feb. 21, the Texas House of Representatives had filed 2,277 bills, […]
Texas, New Mexico Legislatures Underway
PBPA Tracking Industry-Related Issues By Julie Anderson So many issues. So little time. Playing defense here. Coordinating offense there. Monitoring, testifying, convincing. When it comes to the New Mexico and Texas legislative sessions, the game plan is complex partly because the issues are layered, much like the stacked multi-pay zones that permeate the Permian. Wheels […]