Prepared for Permian Basin Petroleum Association By Benjamin W. Sebree The Sebree Law Firm PLLC May 29, 2017 SIGNIFICANT LEGISLATION OF THE SESSION I. RAILROAD COMMISSION OF TEXAS HB 1818 House Author: Gonzales, Larry Senate Sponsor: Taylor, Van Relating to the continuation and functions of the Railroad Commission of Texas. Railroad Commission of Texas Sunset […]
Texas House Votes to Continue Railroad Commission
H.B. 1818 Passes on PBPA Day at the Capitol by Julie Anderson On March 28, 30-plus members of the Permian Basin Petroleum Association (PBPA) witnessed a “riveting debate on the House floor” over House Bill 1818 (H.B. 1818), reported Stephen M. Robertson, PBPA executive vice president. H.B. 1818, sponsored by Rep. Larry Gonzales, is otherwise […]
85th Texas Legislature: A Preview
by Julie Anderson The Texas Legislature meets in a regular session every two years, convening on the second Tuesday in January of every odd-numbered year. These biennial sessions are limited to 140 days. The governor can also call additional special sessions as necessary, which cannot exceed 30 days. The 85th Texas Legislature is […]
The 2017 New Mexico Legislature
We present, below, our Q-and-A with Mike Miller, governmental affairs representative for New Mexico for the Permian Basin Petroleum Association. PBOG magazine spoke with Mike this month on the early activity in the statehouse. PBOG: Mike, what are the issues now and what do you see happening this year? Miller: There’s one big issue, and […]
Scalise on Congress and Energy
And a whole lot else, for that matter. The House Majority Whip cracked down with some cogent commentary on Washington, some stinging rejoinders for the current Administration, and some cautionary tales for our industry and anyone who cares about public policy in the Permian and the nation. On Sept. 15, U.S. Representative Steve Scalise […]
Charting the Course
Our rundown outlines the main bills that affect(ed) oil and gas in Texas and their status moving forward. Railroad Commission of Texas Sunset HB 1675 Bonnen, Dennis(R) Nichols, Robert(R) Relating to governmental entities subject to the sunset review process. Sunset Safety Net Bill. This is the so-called “Safety Net” bill that provides […]
The 83rd Legislature in Retrospect
Note: At the end of this article, there are Q&A’s with legislators about the legislative session. As the smoke clears on the recently concluded legislative session, Texas’ oil and gas interests can be relieved that nothing too damaging found passage. Still, questions remain and certain issues linger. If there are two things that West Texans […]
What Constitutes Fair Tax Treatment?
contributed by the Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants The answer could lie in this–a white paper on legislative proposals to repeal certain tax treatments of domestic oil and gas exploration and development. Introduction The United States is currently experiencing a significant budget deficit with expenditures projected to exceed income by nearly $845 billion for […]
Repercussive Regs
by Jesse Mullins Heavy regulation is hard enough on an oil and gas operator, but the hampering effect felt by smaller operators in West Texas and New Mexico is especially onerous. Kendrick Oil and Gas Company president Phil Kendrick, Jr., had plenty to add in this vein. (See other remarks by Kendrick in our […]
Legislative Sessions
With the start of a new year, elected officials in Texas and New Mexico can begin digging into legislative issues instead of election infighting. Unlike previous years when the energy industry came under fire in both states concerning regulations or the commission that regulates its activities, 2013 is a year when experts are predicting relatively […]