Greetings and salutations again to my fellow safety brethren! Regardless if you are a safety professional, a worker out in the field, or an executive, I appreciate you taking a small part of your day or month to read what’s going on in the field of safety. As I’ve stated numerous times over the last […]
Changing of the Guard
Welcome to everyone’s favorite topic in the oilfield: Safety. Said no one ever, lol. It’s easy to make jokes about safety to a non-sensitive safety guy such as myself. However, I have known some safety professionals that had to fill out an incident report for “hurt feelings.” Fortunately, they were all non-recordable. I am going […]
Twenty-Four / Seven
I sincerely hope this new year finds you doing well. In past articles I have written mostly about safety at work. Occasionally, I have mentioned or delved into safety at home, as well. Two examples are when I talked about slips, trips, and falls, as well as safety data sheets for home and work. Certainly, […]
Emissions Detection Goes High Tech
Methane emission regulations are tightening, with EPA Quad Oc rules slated to take effect later in 2025. As a result, service companies are offering ways to capture methane efficiently so that producers can actually come out ahead by selling that formerly-lost methane into the market. Detection methods vary, being literally miles apart. Momentick aggregates and […]
Driving in the Permian Basin
Greetings and Salutations! Each year I do my diligent best to be fresh, striving to be on the cutting edge of safety and what is pertinent. However, driving—not necessarily the first thing the public thinks of when contemplating oilfield safety—is perennially the most dangerous part of any job in the Permian Basin, a danger not […]
The Evolution in Environmental
Oilfield environmental companies used to focus on cleaning up what could be seen—oil spills, produced water leaks, oilfield sludge. And that’s still on the list. But today the focus is shifting to unseen, climate-related issues, including methane and carbon dioxide. Two companies are helping Permian Basin producers clean up those areas. Helping Operators Profit […]
You’re Late
Summer is gone, temperatures are dropping, and we can reset the thermostat. Before you know it, the temperatures will drop to a tolerable level. There are no more hot weather conditions causing heat issues. Now is the time to prepare for winter. Remember that proper planning prevents poor performance. That also applies to safety. It […]
Do Safety Guys Ever Really Retire (or do they just fade away)?
Welcome! Let me start off by saying that the title is just a rhetorical question. If you ask any safety person, they may say they have retired. Then if you do a small job around the house with them you will experience the fact that they do not retire. In that sense, they’re like the […]
Water and Its Ways
For decades oil and gas producers had a great luxury—they could cheaply dispose of produced water in saltwater disposal wells (SWDs) near the production wells. But the old saying about going to the well once too often is becoming more and more real in the SWD space, necessitating some big changes, with potentially much higher […]
Lamentations of a Safety Professional
Greetings and salutations! We will be talking about the internal woes of most safety professionals at some point in their career. For those unaware of the story of my introduction as a safety professional in the oilfield, I will give you a brief background. Some may retort, “If you are in safety, you are not […]
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