As the Permian Basin Petroleum Association moves into its 50th year we find our organization in many ways reflecting a rich history while at the same time meeting challenges and accomplishments that are in themselves historic in nature. Thanks to the efforts of Ben and his staff we have a PBPA membership that is highly informed as to the day-to-day issues worked by the association. PBPA membership is at historic highs along with the size and scope of budget. The association events were all very successful in terms of member participation as well as levels of support by corporate sponsors. Ultimately the success or failure of an industry association is a direct reflection of the interest and support of its membership. Thanks to all of you and the companies you represent for helping the Permian Basin Petroleum Association remain the leading regional oil and gas association in the country.
That having been said, there is always room for growth. A question that I and my partners at ExL Petroleum, Mike LaMonica and Dave Feavel, have asked ourselves since the first day of our company is, “How big do we want to get?” Answer has always been along the lines of “grow to the size that makes sense given what we are trying to accomplish.” The Permian Basin Petroleum Association certainly could do some more growing given everything we as an association are trying to accomplish. The first quarter of 2012 will see a major membership drive on behalf of PBPA. We had a very successful membership drive in 2010 and then basically moved our entire focus for 2011 to dealing with legislative issues in Austin with the Texas Legislature as well federal issues involving environmental and endangered species. The good news is that our association had a great deal of success in Austin. And because the Texas Legislature meets every other year, we basically have a year off from state issues and can afford to spend some time in generating new members for the association and asking existing members to consider an increase in their membership levels. More information on the membership drive will be coming to you in the coming weeks. A successful drive will be of course a direct reflection of the participation of our current members. If every one of our current members works to get just one new member for PBPA, our membership levels would double! (See, this shows that attorneys can do math). Thanks in advance for your help.
As always, please do not hesitate to let myself, any of the board members, or Ben know of any suggestions, questions, or complaints you may have as to what we as an association have or will be doing. This is your association and PBPA exists solely to meet the needs of its members and their represented companies.