Houston-based HNR Acquisition Corp. said recently it is implementing “improved automation techniques that will lead to operational efficiencies and enhanced oil production.” HNR said Sept. 12 it contracted with a software provider to test a state-of-the-art application that will allow lease operators in the field to use a single app rather than multiple apps “which will lead to enhanced operations.” HNR said the pilot program will be conducted with two operators then provided to all its field operators.
Other attributes of the automation include single entry input, optimize routes to wells and tank batteries to reduce miles driven and fuel use, identify wells that are not operating normally to accelerate remediation, and provide a single source for parts. HNR said the program will improve safety, uptime and environmental compliance.
“This will greatly enhance field operations,” Jesse Allen, vice president of operations, said. “The field team will be able to identify problems sooner and initiate corrective actions quicker.” HNR is an independent upstream energy company with properties in the Permian Basin.