Led by new solar power, the world added renewable energy “at breakneck speed” in 2023, according to Associated Press. The recent AP report said it’s “a trend that if amplified will help earth turn away from fossil fuels and prevent severe warming and its effects.” International Energy Agency said clean energy now is often the least expensive, and nations and states also adopted policies that support renewable energy. More than 440 gigawatts of renewable energy were added in 2023.
U.S., China and Europe each set solar installation records for a single year, according to International Renewable Energy Agency. In the U.S., California continues to have the most solar energy followed by Texas, Florida, North Carolina and Arizona.
At yearend 2023, the world will have added enough wind energy to power nearly 80 million homes – making it a record year. Construction began on two offshore wind farms (commercial scale) in U.S. last year, and both expect to open in 2024. One already is sending electricity to the U.S. grid. Globally the top markets are China, U.S. and Germany for wind energy produced on land, and offshore it’s China, U.K. and Germany.
And one in five cars sold in 2023 was electric powered, according to IEA, which means it was “a banner year” for batteries. More than $43 billion was spent on battery manufacturing and recycling in U.S. in 2023.