OPW, a Dover company involved in the development of fluid-handling solutions, announced June 3 that its Clean Energy Solutions business unit will be divided into two distinct business units: the existing Clean Energy Solutions (CES) unit, which will feature technologies from both the ACME Cryogenics and RegO Products brands and focus on the cryogenics, hydrogen, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and other industrial gas markets, and the new Propane Energy Solutions (PES) unit, which will be the home of RegO Products and concentrate on serving the needs of its customers in the liquid propane gas (LPG) and anhydrous ammonia (NH3) markets.
“At OPW, we are constantly looking for ways to improve so that we can better serve our customers and the creation of these two distinct business units is a perfect example of that,” said Kevin Long, President of OPW. “Each unit is being tailored to meet the unique needs of its respective business sectors, with dedicated teams driving all innovation and growth. Led by Chuck Liebal, the Propane Energy Solutions team stands ready to champion the transition to cleaner and greener fuel alternatives, of which propane will be a cornerstone fuel. At the same time, Chad Thomas and his Clean Energy Solutions team have been making significant strides in building a robust business that meets today’s needs while anticipating the needs of tomorrow’s clean energy landscape.”
At OPW PES, the goal is to increase awareness that LPG is a “green” alternative for traditional fossil fuels. As the world continues to embrace clean energy sources, the demand for LPG is expected to rise sharply, most notably in emerging markets, where it can be used as a clean, affordable, and readily available alternative to current energy sources like coal and wood. The market niches in which LPG can help shape a new clean energy future include a wide range from residential heating to industrial agriculture applications.
OPW CES will focus on creating products and solutions that optimize the storage, supply, and transport infrastructure for cryogenics, hydrogen, LNG, and industrial gases in the heavy-duty truck, aerospace, aviation, railroad, marine, semiconductor, and food-and-beverage industries. Already, OPW CES has launched a new line of hydrogen-refueling nozzles and is currently developing additional components, such as valves, fittings, and vacuum-jacketed pipes for use in these dynamic markets.
For more information about any of the systems and equipment from OPW Clean Energy Solutions and OPW Propane Energy Solutions, visit opwces.com.
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