It seems like every year when September rolls around, I find myself asking what happened to the summer months? Time slips by in all the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The kids are already back in school, and a new football season is upon us… thankfully. For the Permian Basin Petroleum Association, September means it’s time for our Annual Meeting which is scheduled for the evening of September 27th at the Petroleum Museum and the day of September 28th at the Petroleum Club of Midland. I hope you will plan on attending this year. It is always a good time to reconnect with old acquaintances and also meet new PBPA members and guests. This year we will be reviewing a plethora of pending challenges as well as the many achievements of the oil and gas industry from the past year. It also promises to be a special time as we will recognize and celebrate the 100 -year anniversary of the discovery of the Santa Rita #1 well.
Imagine the difficulties facing the oil and gas explorers of the day 100 years ago. I’m sure much of the thought process revolved around where and how to punch a hole in the earth and then capture the flow of black gold bubbling up from the ground. Today we are challenged with more overreaching, self-imposed, and societal concerns rather than the straightforward mechanics of drilling and producing hydrocarbons. And not that the mechanical aspects aren’t important concerns today, but the rapidly changing regulatory, environmental, and political environment make it imperative that we stay engaged in the process or we could find ourselves not able to drill for oil and gas at all.
Some of the more pressing issues of the day to be discussed at the Annual Meeting will be the Fish and Wildlife proposed ESA species listings, the Texas Railroad Commission update of Statewide Rule 8 – water protection, the State of Texas electric power system and electricity supply needs, the EPA’s ever evolving and expanding Quad O methane rules, and the potential for ozone non-attainment designation for the Permian Basin region. We will also hear from some of our State Representatives about what challenges they see coming up on the horizon.
Please plan to attend the Annual Meeting. You will not be disappointed. We have plenty of challenges ahead of us and it will take all of us working together to make sure our industry is engaged and well represented. We will make a difference. Thank you for your continued support in making the PBPA the best trade organization in the oil and gas industry.