A new Texas-based group is proposing a shift in responsibility for plugging and abandoning orphan wells to the nonprofit sector rather than government agencies. RigZone said earlier this month that the Texas Well Protected Energy Foundation is seeking 501c3 status with U.S. Internal Revenue Service to operate as a nonprofit organization focused on plugging and abandoning orphaned crude oil, natural gas and water wells and promoting energy education.
Sarah Stogner of Midland, who serves on the group’s board, told RigZone, “Many landowners assumed responsibility to plug and abandon water wells on their property and are not financially able to do so. TWPEF will work with Texas landowners to plug problem wells they’re legally and financially responsible for.”
I think the law maker should make the oil company set a side clean up money.
Something different needs to happen. I have been trying to get an old and leaking well plugged on my ranch for about 8 years. The TRC has been out twice for field inspections and say they will “put us on the list”. The last conversation we had with the District Office was to call our Texas State Representative and put pressure on them. The current system is broken.