The University of Texas Permian Basin, in its efforts to connect employers with the bright, talented students earning degrees there, have organized their Fall Recruiting Event, with activities slated for four separate occasions. The first was scheduled for Aug. 28. That “Part-Time Job Fair” was to run from 2 to 4 p.m. at the UTPB library. For a registration link, go here: On Sept. 11 UTPB hosts its Engineering Internship Fair, scheduled for 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Engineering Building. Find that registration webpage here: On Sept. 19, the university hosts its “All Major Career Fair,” running from 1 to 4 p.m. At the Gym. Registration can be found here: And the College of Education hosts its “New Teacher Fair” on Oct. 23 at the UTPB Library. Registration is here: Employers are encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities to connect with the diverse students across the UTPB campus, and to share these opportunities within their professional networks as well.
Related: The “Brain Drain” Issue
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