A workplace safety trends report issued recently by Texas Mutual Insurance shows declines in serious injuries in 2024 in several industries in the state, including 24 percent fewer injuries in the mining industry that includes oil and gas operations. The construction industry remains at the top of Texas Mutual’s list but reported 20 percent fewer claims in 2024. Those reporting increases included heavy manufacturing (up 14 percent) and hospitality (up 41 percent).
The report said, “We’re sharing this information to raise awareness about common safety hazards and assist employers in preventing similar incidents.”
Eric Bourquin, vice president, told Midland Reporter Telegram most of the oil- and gas-related fatalities last year were vehicle related – primarily “passenger vehicles that came in contact with trucks that are stopped, turning or changing lanes.”
There was a 13 percent decline overall in serious injuries, including catastrophic injuries and fatalities, in Texas in 2024.