Ben Shepperd,
PBPA President
As we move away from another successful annual meeting and look to the year ahead, we are all reminded of the impact that our association has in promoting and defending the vital Permian Basin oil and gas industry.
Your work, your support, and your engagement to develop affordable, abundant, and reliable domestic energy in the Permian Basin makes our quality of life greater than that of any other generations of humans the world over. We are proud to be part of that effort and proud to protect this industry that creates jobs and produces prosperity for our communities in Texas and New Mexico, and brings greater energy security for our nation.
America is made better because of you.
Unfortunately there are those around the country who would like to see this industry shut down. We know that this would create a world where energy scarcity and energy dependence on foreign, and often unfriendly, nations are the norm, and quality of life around the world, in particular in developing countries, would be made more difficult and less safe.
At the federal level, the Biden Administration has made it clear they will abuse every tool to attack the Permian Basin oil and gas industry. This includes raising taxes, fees, and royalties, as well as slow-playing, denying, or prohibiting development on federal lands across the country. They’re looking to expand the scope of federal environmental authority with the Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act to take on development all across America.
And PBPA will be there to push back at every turn from this overreach.
We support reasonable, science based, and economic-considered regulation, but these are attacks for attacks sake on the lifeblood of thousands of jobs in communities all across the Permian Basin.
Your membership to PBPA allows us to continue to protect the Permian Basin and advocate at the state and federal level for issues all across the spectrum. From taxes, regulations, and efforts in the Texas State Capitol and the New Mexico Roundhouse, PBPA is involved in every conversation to represent the dynamic and beneficial oil and gas industry in the Permian Basin.
We work with the “alphabet soup” of government agencies in Texas, New Mexico, and in Washington D.C., to ensure timely delivery of permits, get important questions answered, and of course fight back against proposals that would restrict your rights to develop natural resources.
At the end of the day, our communities are made vibrant and successful because of your work across the Permian Basin and we are honored to defend you, your employees, and our industry from baseless attacks that harm everyday working men and women across the country. The economic recovery our country so desperately needs in these times can be found in “America’s Oilfield” and with your support we can ensure that the Permian Basin continues to be the greatest, most environmentally sustainable place to develop our nation’s natural resources for generations to come.