Scott Kidwell
If you are like me, you are a member of the PBPA as a way to strengthen your voice on legislative and regulatory matters that impact not just the oil and gas industry, but the entire Permian Basin. The PBPA is an incredible tool which can accomplish these ends through engagement with our government, communities, and other stakeholders. PBPA’s results on issues at the local, state and federal levels continue to show the power of the association year over year. However, you have an opportunity in 2022 to accomplish many of the same ends by not just engaging with, but by participating in your government.
There are many quotes by Thomas Jefferson that are just as true today as they ever have been. One such quote asserts, “We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” The most important and possibly most profound way citizens of the United States have to participate in their government is by voting. In 2022 we are all provided an incredible opportunity to participate in our government and to protect our operations, and way of life, in the Permian Basin.
In Texas, early voting in the 2022 primary elections starts in February, with Election Day being held on March 1. In New Mexico, early voting in the 2022 primaries starts in May, with Election Day being held on June 7. Election Day for the general election in both states will be November 8. It is my hope that you already have these dates circled on your calendars.
Voting is a right, but it is also a responsibility, especially for those who understand the power of the vote, and further, the power of not voting. For, paraphrasing many others throughout history, elections are not only about who votes but maybe more so about who doesn’t vote. If we don’t vote, we risk that our leaders will be chosen by those opposed to our industry, or, as Plato once put it, “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” If you’re not too worried about that notion or if you ever thought that elections and leaders don’t matter, I refer you to the 2020 elections and the current circumstances we find ourselves in as Exhibit A.
While we can and should rely on the PBPA to fight for our industry on overreaching, overburdening laws and regulations, we can do more. If we vote to put people in office that support the furthering of humanity through the free market, as opposed to those in support of growth by public funding, we can go a long way towards accomplishing our ultimate ends. The energy produced in the Permian Basin provides prosperity at home. It also pulls people up from poverty around the globe. Unfortunately, so many of those benefited by our operations around the world don’t get a say in who our leaders are. Fortunately, you do. I urge you not to take that responsibility for granted. I urge you to exercise your right to vote.