The deadline for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife to determine whether or not to list the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard as Endangered is fast approaching. It is likely that they will make an announcement prior to the June deadline. If USFW lists the Lizard, the Permian Basin will be changed forever. We continue to advocate for […]
Boom Times It might be the “cruelest month,” but the 2012 edition of April seems to be traipsing in pleasingly enough, and boding favorable weather for folks fortunate enough to be employed in oil and gas. April is a time for thunderboomers and all kinds of upstart weather and other seasonal/cyclical changes. April is also […]
Burmass Tools of the Trade Exposition Recap
The Burmass Exposition is in the books, and booking business for an even-bigger 2013. For a fast-moving day-and-a-half, the 2nd Annual Burmass Tools of the Trade Exposition turned Midland’s Horseshoe Arena into a one-stop shopping and networking experience for anyone needing oilfield goods, services, or business support. Some 50 exhibitors—marking a hefty increase in […]
Fisher County – A Quiet Little Boom, for Now
Roby, Texas—Someone give this thing a name. What “thing”? Well, the “thing” is whatever is going on in Fisher County. And, apparently, Mitchell County, Scurry County, maybe Nolan County—places where the words “shale play” are not part of the local vernacular. And why has this unfolded so quietly? Normally, news reaches media outlets—and this PBPA […]
PCT’s Jarrett Vick
When asked what his crystal ball sees for the future of the oil and gas industry in the Permian Basin, Jarrett Vick laughed and replied, “I have lived in West Texas long enough to know better than to buy a crystal ball. In the time I have been in the business, I have seen oil […]
Safety: Everyone’s Number One Priority
The oil and gas industry is similar to the National Football League these days. While the primary focus of each is being productive—whether it is drilling successful wells or scoring touchdowns—much of the emphasis seems to be on safety. The oil patch is still a dangerous place to work. According to statistics from this region, […]
From the President: PBPA
March was a busy month for both state and federal issues. I spent the first part of the month in Washington, D.C., as part of the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) call-up. The Permian Basin was very well represented this year with six PBPA representatives joining operators from around the country as we called […]
From the General Counsel
Joint Operating Agreements at Issue Recently, the Texas Supreme Court heard oral argument in its review of a decision by the Court of Appeals in Tyler. The case involves the finding of liability by an operator for, among other claims, failing to maintain production or operations on leased acreage, causing the leases to terminate. What […]
From the Chairman of the Board
Deserving of an Industry’s Gratitude One of the strengths of the Permian Basin Petroleum Association has been a long-established reputation as an association that is reasonable and well thought out in the positions that we present before the Texas legislature and other regulatory agencies. A big part of that reputation is PBPA’s ability to work […]
From the World to the Permian: Part 2 in a Series
In oil and gas fields around the world, there are products in use that wereconceived and constructed in the Permian Basin. And technologies in use that were perfected here as well. The caller said he was from Israel and needed replacement parts for seals manufactured by Westech Seal, Inc. “How did our parts get over […]