By Ben Shepperd, President, Permian Basin Petroleum Association. Happy New Year from the PBPA! With gratitude to many, PBPA enters 2012 with a hoped-for and much-needed six-month extension of time to make its case in the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard issue. As I am sure you are already aware, on Thursday, Dec. 1, the U.S. Fish […]
Playing It Safe
By Al Pickett, special contributor. Blowout prevention, already a science, is an art as well, especially in new shale plays such as the Permian Basin. For drilling operations, finding good well service people is the key. Safety has always been a top priority in the oil patch, according to Larry Chapman, but even so, as […]
Greater Knowledge—Greater Service
By Lana Cunningham, special contributor. That’s the motto of the Desk and Derrick Club, an organization whose history draws much upon its Permian Basin contingent. Fishing. Hmmm. Are there lakes with boats and fishing poles on them around here, thought the Dallas native who had never been around the oil patch until […]
Doing It Right
By Lana Cunningham, special contributor. Marking its 60th year, Dawson Geophysical keeps practicing the traits that made it a success. Traits derived direct from its founder, Decker Dawson. First class citizen. The ultimate gentleman. Strong philanthropist. And jokester. Long-time friends and business contacts describe L. Decker Dawson with the same words over and over. […]