Covey said famously, Begin with the end in mind. Let’s talk a bit about artificial intelligence (AI). What is the good, the bad, and the ugly? The good is that it improves individuals’ writing abilities. Or does it? I can tell, in a second, something that AI has written. Refrain from falling for a glossy […]
The Cylindrical Trade
Wars against disease and among Slavic peoples have flooded service companies with changes, both in demand for energy and in supply of goods to sell. Oil country tubular goods (OCTG) suppliers are no different, and companies like R&D Pipe Company and Baker Tubulars are broadening their offerings and their markets to make up the difference. […]
Looking Back and Looking Ahead
History tells us the future remains bright. On Sept. 27-28 we were honored to host our 62nd Annual Meeting in Midland and perhaps even more special, celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Santa Rita No. 1. As all of you know it is credited as the well that began this long and storied history of […]
Lizards and Chickens and Rules, Oh My!
Members, as all of you are keenly aware, there is no shortage of issues that PBPA is working on at the federal and state level. In both Texas and New Mexico, there are a litany of state challenges that we are working through with our regulatory committee to tackle and we greatly appreciate your work […]
PBPA Annual Meeting: Sept. 27-28
It seems like every year when September rolls around, I find myself asking what happened to the summer months? Time slips by in all the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The kids are already back in school, and a new football season is upon us… thankfully. For the Permian Basin Petroleum Association, September means […]
Schlumberger Cooks the Competition
MIDLAND, TEXAS—The 2023 Permian Basin Petroleum Association Sporting Clay Shoot and Oil Patch Pit Challenge is now in the books, and, where the cooking part is concerned, Schlumberger cooks the competition. Held at Jakes’s Clays on Aug. 11, the occasion brought together some masterful cooking teams and some extraordinary clay shooters. We share some scenes […]
Change Happens-Sometimes for the Good
Hello and Salutations! I’m opting to do a small variation from safety and take the opportunity to branch out and attempt to sing our industry’s praises! After years of being in the oilfield, 52 years to be exact, the oilfield has changed immeasurably. Rules have changed, the pay has certainly changed, and safety has also […]
Reality Bites: Lenders Roll with the Changes
By Paul Wiseman In the early shale boom days of 2010 and off-and-on through about 2018, getting financing was relatively easy. Private equity (PE) funds and banks alike saw the drilling and production boom as an opportunity to grow their investments. Funds looked to buy into both operators and oilfield service companies, bankroll a […]
Quiet Hiring
In resuming the topic of recruitment from last month, I want to mention the latest buzzword: quiet hiring. Remember quiet quitting and quiet firing? I would be a millionaire if I could be clever enough to come up with these terms. I want to give credit to Gartner’s “future of work” team, who appear frequently […]
Where Next for Natural Gas?
The business of gas has become a bigger factor than most expected when the Shale Revolution reinvigorated the Permian Basin. What’s the latest for this commodity? In 2023, natural gas has been fairly steady, not making the surge some expected, but not going into collapse, either. In the United States, the hot summertime has put […]
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