The co-founder of Texans for Lawsuit Reform carries his cause to West Texas. MIDLAND, TEXAS—Attendees to the February PBPA luncheon heard an appeal from Richard “Dick” Weekley, the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Texans for Lawsuit Reform (TLR), a statewide tort reform organization dedicated to bringing fairness and balance back to Texas’ civil justice system. […]
The Politics of “Sue and Settle”
The “green lobby’s” tactics in the species-listings campaigns are lacking in transparency, candor, and accountability. As we have previously reported, in November the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) put forth their proposal that the Lesser Prairie Chicken be listed on the Threatened Species list per the provisions of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The […]
From the Chairman: Supply & Demand – In Perspective
No one in this industry has a crystal ball, but even so, it’s helpful sometimes to ask, and try to anticipate, where things are headed. The Permian Basin oil field has had a high level of activity for the last three years. This high level of activity has brought a number of positive effects on […]
From the Chairman: Victims of Our Own Success
Pipeline “takeaway capacity” remains one of the most critical issues facing Permian Basin oil and gas interests. Is the Permian Basin oil and gas industry about to be a victim of its own success? We are seeing $20+/bbl price differentials between WTI Cushing and Brent crude prices and recently $8-10/bbl additional differential between Midland and […]
From the President: Seeking Consensus
Legislative matters, regulatory issues, and the science question, revisited. Both the Texas and New Mexico legislative sessions are in full swing. Both legislatures are full of new faces. In Texas, there are over 40 freshmen House members. PBPA hosted a luncheon for these new Texas house members last month the day before the session began. […]
From the General Counsel: NPRI Owners and Their Interests
The Non-Participating Royalty Interest Owner has been known to make things interesting for operators when the former has not fully been taken into account. Operators of oil and gas lands can potentially tread some dangerous water when it comes to the payment of royalties to all interest owners. Typically, operators have Drilling Title Opinions drafted […]
From the General Counsel: No Going Back
The backdating of pooling agreements is not permissible, per the Texas Supreme Court. The Texas Supreme Court recently provided guidance on the practice of backdated pooling agreements when it denied review of a memorandum decision issued in June 2012 by the Eleventh Court of Appeals. Eddie E. Godfrey, individually, and Eddie E. Godfrey and Jay […]
From the Chairman: Transformational Times
The transition from conventional play to unconventional play has become the defining mark of the revitalized Permian Basin’s oil and gas industry—a transition that poses both rewards and challenges. The Permian Basin is going through a transformation from exploration for conventional reservoirs to targeting tight unconventional reservoirs. As a result, the Permian Basin is an […]
Keeping Regulations in Check
Proposed changes to Rule 13 and other regulations could severely impact the industry. What should we expect from Washington, Austin and Santa Fe now that the elections are over? From my view, we should expect increased proposed regulations for our industry from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Interior (DOI), U.S. Fish and Wildlife […]
From the Chairman of the Board
This organization’s influence extends beyond its geographic boundaries, and beyond its day-to-day obligations, as well. You ever jump out of the frying pan into the fire? This being my last article as Chairman of the Permian Basin Petroleum Association, I was thinking that in passing the position of Chairman on to Mark Merritt there would […]