While we all continue to address ongoing Covid-19 challenges, the Permian Basin Petroleum Association has been developing new and innovative methods to engage with our members as we advocate on behalf of operators and Permian Basin communities. While surely not our preference, PBPA has had to make informed decisions that protect the health of our […]
Riding the 2020 Emotional Rollercoaster
Well, at the end of June, nearing $40/bbl for the price of oil sure feels better than nearing $10/bbl. While it’s not the $55/bbl that we enjoyed pre-“Double Whammy,” (Covid-19 and Price War) it is much better than we experienced in the month of May, when realized prices for many were in the $17/bbl range […]
Hire to Retire: Be Prepared
Times have changed, and less is more. In July, I wrote about bringing back your employees to either full employment or from working from home. We have all learned that not everyone has to be physically present to get their jobs done. In that light, I would guess that commercial real estate is going to […]
Changing with the Times
The decade of 2010 opened to a “black gold rush” built upon horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, drawing in a flood of investment money of all kinds. Investors dreamed of funding an unlimited Christmas list for producers and service companies alike, asking only that the list be used to expand the company so it could […]
Where Will Crude Prices Go From Here?
Two competing narratives dominate the talk today where crude oil prospects are concerned. There is the break-your-spirits pessimism parroted by the Covid-crisis crowd, beating their drumbeat of disaster. For them, the lockdowns ought be locked in a year or more at a crack. Then there is the bullishness of the glass-half-full crowd, finding positivity in […]
Chronicle: Federal loans save 93,117 oil and gas industry jobs in Texas
An analysis of data from U.S. Small Business Administration by Houston Chronicle shows that more than $1 billion in forgivable loans for Texas companies in the federal government’s pandemic relief program saved more than half of the state’s oil and gas industry jobs. The federal government issued 6,610 loans to crude oil and natural gas […]
Ingham’s Texas Petro Index posts second largest decline since 1995
Texas Petro Index from Texas Alliance of Energy Producers declined sharply in April from the previous month “as the state’s oil and gas economy began to register the full effects of covid-19, the Saudi-Russian price war and the resulting economic shutdown.” The index fell to 171.0 in April from 181.9 in March; the 10.9 drop […]
Rystad: Hydraulic fracturing starts to begin recovery in third quarter
Oslo-based Rystad Energy said May 15 that starts of new hydraulic fracturing jobs in U.S. will hit a low in May before a recovery begins in 2020Q3. Rystad said, “The covid-19 pandemic and the low oil price environment it has created continue to affect global energy markets and activity levels by oil and gas producers.” […]